As stated in a document from YoYoGames, “Sprites are generally the visual representations of objects with the game you are creating.” To put it into perspective, a sprite is basically the human body and the object is human consciousness. The sprite is what’s behind the scenes; the image of what an object is. The object is the controller of the operation; it tells the sprite what to do and how to act.

With the built-in image editor, Game Maker Studio makes it very easy to create your sprites from scratch, edit existing sprites and even create animations. Animations are very simple to make, especially in a 2D game – animations are basically a collection of images positioned slightly different than the first image. It’s almost like creating a cartoon doodle in a sticky note pad and flipping the pages to create a “mini-show.” Animations can be used to show your character running, jumping, flying or any other effect that you can think of! To design your own pixel art, you can use the editor built into Game Maker Studio (for when you edit sprites). Personally, I make pixel art with the editor or use already made game art and simply edit them to my liking.

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3 Curated Resources


free, Website

This resource is a perfect place to find legal game art for your project. It’s one of the most popular websites used for game art.


free, Website

These images are for free use, commercial and personal – they could make a fantastic background in a game.

A really good YouTube, Shaun Spalding, who goes through animation with Game Maker Studio. It does have a little bit of coding in it, but it’s very simple code. If you can’t understand, copy it for now, otherwise I’d recommend learning a programming language to understand the fundamentals of programming.