Getting Involved in the Monero Community

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In the age of decentralization, everyone has a part. As Monero grows and receives more press, we’ll see an increase in people flocking to the Monero communities. To keep the project strong, we need to keep the community surrounding it educated.

You can help out by getting involved in the Monero community. Now that you are educated, you can pass on your newly acquired knowledge to new learners.

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4 Curated Resources

Monero Subreddit

free, Subreddit

The moderators of this subreddit do a great job of keeping it clean, and free of too many spam posts. It’s a great place give and receive community input. It’s a great place to ask questions too!

Monero StackExchange

free, Q&A Website

The best spot to go for technical and development questions.


free, Hangout List

Monero IRC channels are relayed to the more user-friendly interfaces Mattermost and Slack. There are many channels for whatever discussion you want to join.

Monero Telegram

free, Live Communication Tool

A popular place for live chat with the Monero community. If you don’t already have the Telegram app, I’d recommend installing it because it is used by a lot of cryptocurrency communities.