I was going to put all the components in separate sections, but I think that would be overkill. I’ll explain them here quickly, and leave resources to further explanations if you think you need it (it’s okay if you do). Here we go:


This is what your computer is housed in. They come in a couple different size types. This is where you get to have a little fun and get the perfect style for you – just make sure it’s sized according to your environmental needs, and that it’s compatible with the sizes of your other components


The motherboard is the equivalent of the human body, or the skeleton of it. It connects all your parts together to make them all work together as one.


Best known as the brain of the computer. It does most of the heavy lifting and makes most of the important decisions. It’s also one of the smallest components surprisingly

Graphics Card (GPU)

If you’re a gamer, you may call this the brain of your computer (ha.. Jokes.. kinda). Anyways, the graphics card renders all your images, videos. Just upgrading your GPU can give you a big increase in performance, but as I mention later, you always want a well balanced build, so don’t put all your money into it.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

Think multitasking (or just really computer intensive programs like Video and Photo Editors). Every program on your computer uses some amount of ram, so the more you have – the more intensive stuff you can do at once. So if you’re the type to play Battlefield while finishing editing a YouTube video while writing an essay with 1743 tabs open, you’re going to want a lot of ram. 8-16gb is always a good range for most builds. Don’t go less than 8 and don’t be scared to get only 8.

Hard Disk Drive and Solid State Drive

This is the storage for your computer – what holds all your files, games, photos, programs and whatever other shady stuff you have.

Solid State Drives (SSD) are a relatively newer form of storage. Buying an SSD over an Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is one of the best decisions you can make. You’ll notice a huge increase in speed of your operating system, and most of your programs loading times.


Exactly what is sounds like – the power supply to power your entire computer and all its components.

If you think you have a good enough understanding – you can skip the resources for this section. They’ll essentially say the same thing in a few different ways, but go into some more technical detail if you’re interested.

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4 Curated Resources

Computer Parts Explained

free, Online Forum

informative post on a popular forum that goes slightly more into the technical side of each component in your future PC.

A guide that provides a lot of pictures and even a diagram of a built PC to show where everything is! Gives some insight as to what is easily upgradable and what is not.

Computer Components Explained

free, YouTube Playlist

A series of youtube videos that help you understand each component. Very informative teacher!