After Naval’s incredible first Periscope chat, we knew we had to transcribe the second one for all to read. For those who prefer to watch the original recording, you can find it here on Periscope. It’s extremely insightful, and Naval’s voice makes it very relaxing to listen to.

We’ve taken all the questions asked and clustered them into the sections: Status and Wealth, Business and Entrepreneurship, Life and Society, Mindfulness, and Miscellaneous. Each of the sections will have the resources mentioned by Naval at the bottom. This Periscope had less external resources mentioned than the first, none the less, it’s an incredible read in itself.

We transcribed the recording, so it reads like a speech. We did our best to make it an enjoyable reading for you while maintaining everything that was originally said.

For those who may not know Naval, he is the CEO and co-founder of AngelList. He’s also invested in more than 100 companies, including Uber, Twitter, Yammer, and many others.

Incase that Naval does more Q&A sessions, we’ve launched a subreddit, r/AskNaval, where you can submit and upvote questions. Hopefully this will improve the quality of questions over time, and he can pick the most interesting ones.

While you’re here, feel free to check out our other learning tracks: Stellar (Naval is on the advisory board), Monero, Ethereum, Intro to Marketing, Web Development, and Hindi. There’s more listed on the homepage.

Begin! (Naval’s voice from now on)


I’m sure that I’m going to contradict myself repeatedly, say all kinds of stupid things. So this periscope is for entertainment purposes only. I do not promise to be consistent or even coherent and you know everything is just being made up as it goes. The other options are podcasts… I’ve noticed with podcasts that… they have to keep fresh material, it’s hard right… getting on of these things is hard regularly because you need to talk about something and so podcasts seem to go down a couple of routes.

  1. They have like a single topic like the history podcast. I don’t have a single topic nor do I really care to build a brand in any topic… so for me you know that doesn’t work.
  2. Another thing they do is they bring on guests… but a lot of people have said no guests they just wanted [me] to talk and I’d rather talk directly to you guys than to [have] guests
  3. The third problem with a podcast is that people make them about current events, but I don’t care about current events. Current events are kind of the least interesting thing going on because it’s a very temporal knowledge and I would rather talk about, and learn, and discuss, things that are permanent.

I’m hoping somebody can just do some post-processing and put it up on YouTube because I really like these AirPods. I don’t own in the Apple stock but I love Apple’s AirPods I think it’s the best product they’ve made since the iPhone and it’s just really easy, very convenient, [and] they fit in my ears well.

So okay now I think we’re ready to take some questions or topics please make them intelligent, interesting, and if someone posts something stupid then, unfortunately, we will have to kick them out.

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2 Curated Resources

AskNaval Subreddit

free, Subreddit

In case Naval does more Q&A sessions, you can submit and upvotes questions here!

Naval's Original Periscope Q&A #2

free, Live Video Broadcasting

The video that this entire transcription is based on. If you prefer video and audio, then watch this version.