Launching Your Creation on the Web

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Up to this point, you’ve been working locally on your Computer, or with online editors. You must be eager to put something on the web!

Think of it this way… you currently have all your website’s files locally on your computer. You need someone to host these files on a server (just another type of computer where everyone on the internet can access them).

So you really only need three things: your files, a domain name and someone to host your files (a web hosting company like NameCheap).


You’re building a new home a few miles away – it has three parts: your street address, the building itself, and the land. The street address tells people where to go, just like the domain name! You have the building itself which is equivalent to all your projects files. Then you have the land, which essentially hosts the building. If you want to make any changes, you have to drive to this new home of yours. If you want to make changes to your website online – your going to have to connect to the server that’s hosting it via FTP.

There might be times at first when you say, I must be doing something wrong, this should not be this hard. While it may seem hard at first, it gets a lot easier. Hosting a website on the web requires learning some material first, like learning any new language. You can do it!

It also may depend on who you choose as a host. So once you choose a host if these resources aren’t helping you, Google “How to put your website online with [insert_host_name]” or “How to get FTP Access with [insert_host_name]”.

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6 Curated Resources

Introduction to help you understand exactly what goes on when you go to a webpage. Knowing the terminology will make it easier when going to launch your website online!

A great piece by Jon Chan that helps beginners understand and get there projects online. He recommends Github Pages specifically, which I stand by (you might want to learn Github first) – but I don’t see too much of a problem with Traditional Web Hosting either.

Kind of a long guide but really goes over all the parts necessary. Under “#7 – How to create your first website”, you’d want to look at method #1 which is creating the website from scratch.


free, Domain and Hosting Site

I’ve always used it for domains, but they do offer hosting too. You can’t really go wrong with most domain sites – I try to stay away from GoDaddy because it gets a decent amount of bad press for poor business tactics.


free, FTP Client

This isn’t a tutorial but software used to connect to your hosted files. It’s an FTP client called Filezilla – it’s what I use to upload changed files for this website!

How to put your website online

free, YouTube Video

A slightly older tutorial (so the website UI may not be exactly the same for Hostgator), but it still covers getting your website live pretty well.